Introducing the Pro Upgrade for TDS GTNXi MSFS (2020) and MSFS 2024!
Upgrade now for integration with the Working Title G3X!

  • Full flight plan support between units, including drawing of the flight plan in the G3X map page
  • Example: The Flight Plan is perfectly syncrhonized in the SWS RV-8
  • Support for Procedures (Departures, Arrivals, Approaches), User waypoints, CDI lateral deviation phase, etc
  • Example: A perfectly coordianted departure procedure flown in the SWS RV-14A
  • Full support for the WT autopilot, including arming the LOC/NAV while having an active Heading mode
  • Example: WT autopilot receiving GPS inputs from the TDS GTNXi Pro in the SWS RV-10
  • Perfectly fly vertically autopilot-coupled approaches, including visual approaches
  • Example: Active glidepath display, waiting for the autopilot to capture it: Deejing RV-7
  • Synchronization with the CDI and navbar
  • Example:Correct synchronization of the CDI needle and navbar in the BlackSquare (published by JustFlight) VelocityXL
  • WIP Feature: VNAV - currently in the design stage, so it is not fully usable. As in the real unit, VNAV works for descent only and requires a VNAV capable autopilot
  • Example: FlySimWare C24R